John Smith

Financial Professional | Protecting and Providing For What You Care About Most.

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About (copy and paste)

Most people will talk politics - or even religion - before money. So why is talking about money so taboo? Maybe it’s because “money hacks” just wasn’t a part of our curriculum…

As a financial professional, I teach everyday people how to protect and provide for what they care about most. Sometimes we need a little push in the right direction, using time-tested data confirming or denying our finest opportunities.

It’s okay not to be your wealthiest self at this exact moment – the first step is acknowledgment.

[Name] is an agent of Alliance Financial Group, an agency of the Guardian Life Insurance Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY.


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John Smith

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  • Disclosure to Use in Impressium section: [Name] is an agent of Alliance Financial Group, an agency of the Guardian Life Insurance Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY.

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John Smith - Financial Professional


About (copy and paste)

Getting financially organized is the first step in achieving financial confidence — understanding how your income is spent, what your assets and liabilities are, what your benefits coverage is, and how your cash flow is contributing (or not) to achieving your financial goals is key.

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Financial Professional

Impressum Section
(copy and paste disclosure)

[Name] is an agent of Alliance Financial Group, an agency of the Guardian Life Insurance Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY.

  • Use professional headshot


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